Boys -
Girls -
EmployeesTeaching: 63
Non-Teaching: 10
- KVS believes in imparting knowledge/values and nurturing the talent, enthusiasm and creativity of its students for seeking excellence through high-quality educational endeavours;
- To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-military personnel by providing a common programme of education;
- To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education;
- To initiate and promote experimentation and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like the Central Board of Secondary Education…

PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Kamla Nehru Nagar , Ghaziabad
PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Kamla Nehru Nagar Shift 1 has started working in 1986 for Classes I to V in a temporary building. Later on in 2009 shifted to it's own permanent building.
The missions of Kendriya Vidyalaya are as follows: To meet the educational needs of the children of transferable Central Government employees including defense and paramilitary forces personnel
To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including Defence and Para-military personnel by providing a common programme of education.

Commissioner, Nidhi Pandey, IIS
Dear Students, Teachers, and Parents,
On the momentous occasion of Foundation Day 2024 of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), I extend my heartfelt greetings to each one of you. From its humble beginnings in 1963, KVS has grown into an inspiring institution of excellence in school education. This remarkable journey continues to evolve, driven by an unwavering spirit of innovation and progress.

Mr Shaik Tajuddin
Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalayas are conspicuous centers of excellence, creativity and learning that mould the students of today into responsible citizens of tomorrow. They offer an environment conducive to not only cognitive development, but also building character and thus creating holistic individuals equipped with key 21st century skills. The teachers are the most substantial resources of the Vidyalaya, who are readily adapting to the demands of an ever changing educational scenario where the traditional is constantly replaced by the modern. They keep abreast of the latest changes, be it pedagogy or technology, with a view to providing the best to their students. Students flower and flourish under the affectionate care and guidance of the mentors, who guide and assist them to confront and address real challenges in life. They learn, new domains and concepts and to wield their faculties to come up with ideas that can change the society. The vision of Kendriya Vidyalayas is to develop an equitable and vibrant knowledge society as envisioned by the NEP 2020.We aim to develop human beings capable of rational thought and action, possessing compassion and empathy, courage and resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination with ethical values. The multi- cultural and linguistic diversity of the Kendriya Vidyalayas, where children come from diverse backgrounds broadens their horizon and offers them an exposure that surpasses mere textbook learning. Thus children celebrate various festivals and enjoy art and music of different cultures. This sensitizes them to the rich cultural diversity of India. In this journey of self - enrichment and enhancement, the role of parents, teachers and the other mentors of the Vidyalaya are equally important. Let us march together into the future, with courage and conviction. In the words of Swami Vivekananda, Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.
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Mr Arun Kumar Sharma
As one amongst you, I understand and appreciate the most difficult and challenging task ahead of us. Shaping the destiny of a child is a matter of great pride for each one of us. The main object of education is the establishment of a twofold harmony in every individual – harmony within his own self and harmony with other living beings in the world. So our goal has always been the personality enrichment through curricular and co-curricular activities. Teaching is much more than a career or a profession. It (teaching) is the most onerous responsibility of molding and shaping a child into a responsible citizen. I am certain my students will become productive, Intelligent and honest citizen of society. The active participation and co-operation of parents would be extremely essential to achieve the desired results. We strive with in-dominate zeal to seek fresh vistas of excellence so as to enable our students to become self-restrained and come out with flying colors in the present age of competition.
Read MoreWhat’s New
- Public notice regarding fake website.
- Extension of Last Date for Online Registration & Submission of Application Form for Balvatika 1 & 3 and Revised Schedule for Draw of Lots - reg.
- Posting order on repatriation from KV, Kathmandu/Moscow/Tehran.
- Regarding transfer orders of Training Associates after completion of tenure in ZIETs.
- Posting order of ‘Teaching Associates’ in ZIET for the year 2025 regarding.
- Transparency and objectivity in the engagement of security conservancy staff & inspection visits reg.
- Updated Seniority list for the post of Joint Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner for the year 2025.
- Updated Seniority list for the post of Suptt. Engineer/Deputy Commissioner (Admn.)/Assistant Commissioner (Admn.)/Administrative Officer/Assistant Engineer/Section Officer/ PS for the year 2025
- Updated Seniority list for the post of Joint Commissioner (Finance)/Deputy Commissioner (Finance)/Assistant Commissioner (Finance)/Finance Officer for the year 2025
- Implementation of RTE Amendment Rules in Kendriya Vidyalayas -reg.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Schedule 2025-2026.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Guidelines 2025-2026.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - Admission Notice 2025-2026.
- List of provisionally selected candidates for posting in foreign KVs (Kathmandu/Moscow/Tehran) for the session 2025-26, 2026-27 & 2027-28.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission Schedule 2023-2024.
- Office Memorandum
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Revised Admission Guidelines 2022-2023.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Revised Admission Schedule 2022-2023.
- Registration Form Class-II Onwards (Sample)
- Option Form for Class-XI (Sample)
Explore Things
Academic Planner
Academic Planner of Session 2024-25
Academic Result
CBSE Examination Result Analysis of Vidyalaya .
Bal Vatika
A programe designed as a preparatory class.
Nipun Lakshay
National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading and Numeracy.
Compensation of Academic Loss Programme (CALP)
CALP in school
Study Materials
Class Wise online study Material
Workshops & Trainings
Workshops and Trainings in 2024-25
Student Council
Student Council 2024-25
Know your School
Yearwise School UDISE Report
Atal Tinkering Lab
Presently ATL lab is not established in Vidyalaya
Digital Language Lab
There is no language lab in school
ICT – eClassrooms & Labs
Vidyalaya is having ample of ICT classes
Vidyalaya is having a library full of all subject books
Labs - Physics/Chemistry/Biology
All labs are functioning in school
Building & BaLA Initiatives
Building as a Learning Aid
Sports Infrastructure (Play Fields)
Sufficient sports infrastructure in school
The following page has links to NDMA websites with details SOPs
A Panorama of Indoor and Outdoor Sports Activities
NCC/Scout & Guides
Only Scout and Guide is running in the vidyalaya.
Education Excursion
A Pleasure to Trip for Experiential Learning.
Students take part in all kind of Olympiads
Exhibition – NCSC/Science/Etc
Science Exhibition
Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat
Vidyalaya is conducting all activities of EBSB
Art & Craft
Students take keen interest in Art & Craft
Fun Day
Every Saturday is used for Funday activities
Youth Parliament
Every year students take actively participation in YP
PM SHRI Schools
PM SHRI is a centrally sponsored scheme initiated by the Government of India .
Skill Education
Skill Education to enhance employability & entrepreneurship skills .
Guidance & Counselling
Sessions are provided to students
Community Participation
It helps to identify issues and problems in school education.
About Vidyanjali Portal
Teachers took part in Vidyanjali programme.
Articles, Books and Other Materials published by Students and Teachers.
News Letter
Newsletter of school
Vidyalaya Patrika
Every year school is publishing Vidyalaya Patrika
See What's Happening
News & Stories about Students, and innovation across the School

Little Open Library

Our Vidyalaya Toppers
CBSE Board Examination Class X and Class XII
Vidyalaya Results
Year of 2023-24
Appeared 179 Passed 179
Year of 2022-23
Appeared 192 Passed 192
Year of 2021-22
Appeared 210 Passed 209
Year of 2020-21
Appeared 249 Passed 249
Year of 2023-24
Appeared 145 Passed 141
Year of 2022-23
Appeared 228 Passed 204
Year of 2021-22
Appeared 213 Passed 212
Year of 2020-21
Appeared 176 Passed 176